4-PAWS K-9 Rescue Transport
My Four-Legged Family


Rescue Transports 1
Rescue Transports 2
"How Could You"
A Tribute To Rescuers
My Four-Legged Family
Links and Guestbook

Let Me Introduce You to the "Kids"

"Cinder" - The "almost" 14 yo Senior

Despite being diabetic, blind and just diagnosed with "Cushing's Syndrome", she maintains her energy and zest for life.  Each day is a "bonus" for us both and she gets her "special" time.  I realize the days with her are numbered and I more than owe it to her to make them as pleasant and comfortable as possible. 


"Gypsy" - 3 yo Schnauzer Mix

Gypsy was dumped on a nearby mountain and layed under the tar tanker where my husband was working for 3 days.  Well, on day 3, my husband couldn't stand it anymore.  When I opened the door that evening he had her in his arms and said "Guess what?"  She has been with us for 4 1/2 years. 


"Bandit" - 3 yo Shih-tzu

The Mr. "Who Me?" of the pack.  Instigator extrordinaire and then sits back and watches the results.   Fun loving, affectionate and very devoted.........your typical Shih-tzu. 


"Rebound" - 3 yo Shih-tzu Mix

When animal control came upon Rebound, he had just been hit by a car.  The results where a broken pelvis, collapsed lung and the loss of one eye.  Despite the pain, medical treatment and recovery process, he kept his care-free, fun-loving attitude.  It was due to this that the Humane Society felt he was adoptable.  He has been with me since March of 2001.


"Mollie" - 3 yo Lhasa Apso

Mollie was a stray brought in to the Humane Society while I was working part-time there.  She was extremely matted and dirty, so I came in one Saturday and clipped her.  Her laid back attitude stole my heart and I made a promise to her that she would find a "forever home".  I brought her home with me in September 2001 to foster and she is now a permanent part of the family.

Bless all of my "furkids" for their devotion, unconditional love and forgiving dispositions.  They are my anchor, in a world that can be tumultuous.